Creating your school calendar artwork is fun; you can get your whole school creating illustrations for your calendar or you may want to ask pupils and staff to draw self-portraits. You can supply photographic images for your calendar. Get all arty and create bespoke designs that can be reproduced on your calendar.
Colourful Calendar Artwork
You want to make your calendar as colourful as you can, to achieve maximum impact. You could use paint, felt tips or you may want to create a collage; when creating a collage and if you are posting the artwork to us for scanning, you want to make sure it is glued securely to your paper before posting. We often collage’s through the post where parts of the image have fallen off in the post.
Depending on the calendar design you have chosen you could create twelve or thirteen pieces of artwork. One piece for each month, the thirteenth piece could be for the front cover of your calendar. You don’t have to have an image on the front cover; it depends on the calendar template chosen. Some schools allocate each class a month, for example, Reception would create the picture for January; class one creates the illustration for February and so on.
You can get the children to draw a self-portrait, get teachers and teaching assistants to join in and draw self-portraits – it’s great fun, get the whole school involved. You could get each class to produce a piece of artwork for each month of your school calendar.
You can send your designs to us for scanning, or you can scan your illustrations and email the scanned images to us for use on your calendar. If you send them to us there is no charge for scanning. We do get extremely busy in the run-up to Christmas, so scanning your artwork can take extra time. You may want to bear this in mind if you have a tight deadline to meet. It is sometimes quicker for you to scan your artwork and email the images to us
The most important thing to remember when supplying your pictures for scanning is to ensure that all the artwork is clearly labelled with the month that you would like the artwork to appear.