The more personal you make your calendar the more desirable it will become. Personalising your school calendar will ensure that your calendar will be in great demand. Get personal and you will create an attractive and essential purchase for pupils, teachers, parents, carers, infact anyone.
Get Personal and Add School Dates
By this we mean adding those all important personal school dates and events. Dates that are specific to your school. Add all of those essential school holidays like, Easter, Summer and Christmas Holidays. Add Half Terms; by adding holidays you allow parents to organise their holidays around school dates. Fundraising events can be added. Add all of those school fundraising events like school fete, school concert. You can add school sport fixture dates. Does your school have a football team? Add school matches to your calendar to increase attendance of sports events. Infact adding personal dates will transform your calendar into a must have purchase.
How to supply your School dates
You can supply your dates for your calendar by simply emailing them to us or you can place your dates into a microsoft word file or excel file and attach this to your email with your images.
Check dates
We always email a pdf proof to you for your calendar once we have put your artwork together, we just ask that you check your pdf proof carefully to ensure all dates have been entered into the correct date
Personalise your calendar with your school photos and dates and you are onto a sure-fire winner when it comes to making a profit for your school.